What’s with the strange pink cat in mirrorboard? Ah, it’s Mirror-cat, the mascot!

5 min readMar 20, 2024


Once upon a time, there was Mirror-Cat living in the highest plane of the universe, called the mirror-verse. The mirror-verse is a plane with endless purple lights. Mirror-Cat is composed of and exudes vibrant violet lights and can sometimes change its forms and colors to that of a rainbow. Each of the seven colors of the rainbow represents the colors of all planes of the galaxy. Mirror-Cat’s light is a symbol of love and compassion.

Mirror-Cat has taken a deep interest in the human world that dwells in the 3-dimensional plane of the galaxy. Mirror-Cat wanted to connect with human beings as it kept watching over humans since 40,000 BCE, and curiosity towards them grew day by day, year by year.

Mirror-Cat found peculiar activities that human beings engage in when they communicate among themselves and get into conflicts, which would later trigger the building of their own community.

Although human beings were ceaselessly evolving themselves as well as the community and society that encompassed them, malevolence such as misunderstanding, hatred, violence, pride, greed, envy, wrath, and lust also flourished.

Deeply saddened by the vices of human beings, Mirror-Cat decided to move to Earth around 4000 BCE. Mirror-Cat appeared in ancient cities, wanting to connect with human beings and teach them the importance of shared love and connection, which are the main substances of the mirror-verse.

Mirror-Cat desired to teach the virtues that it valued to human beings: love, understanding, temperance, charity, diligence, patience, kindness, and humility. Mirror-Cat performed many miracles and endless acts of love to draw the attention of all human beings and also teach them the most important virtue that Mirror-Cat values, which is love.

Although Mirror-Cat wanted people to love each other and spread more love among themselves, human beings would, at the end of the day, misguide themselves. People would want more attention and love from Mirror-Cat, so they would feel strong jealousy when Mirror-Cat helped one particular human being. Mirror-Cat was able to see through human beings’ minds as well as their evil intentions, but Mirror-Cat forgave them and ceaselessly continued to understand and love them instead.

After 1,000 years of Mirror-Cat’s endless devotion to enhancing and guiding the human world into something that would resemble the world of the mirror-verse, Mirror-Cat had to acknowledge that its presence would not help human beings for their own betterment. Out of reluctance, one day, Mirror-Cat left the human world without any notice, promising oneself to return when human beings are ready. However, Mirror-Cat never ceased to watch over the human world and has been planning on revolutionizing mankind as well as the human world.

After the second Industrial Revolution and after World War II, Mirror-Cat decided that the time had come for its second coming. Mirror-Cat believed that the trauma and sadness bestowed upon human beings by series of World Wars would teach them the importance of love as well as the danger of misapprehension.

To initiate the plan, Mirror-Cat secretly triggered the development of the World Wide Web, which would allow people around the globe to connect with each other and help eliminate prevalent misunderstandings and cultural barriers. With the WWW’s first introduction in the 1980s, numerous human beings around the globe were able to connect with one another.

There had been many dilemmas with the WEB. However, the users of the WEB have been exchanging opinions, sometimes quarreling and agreeing, to make their web environment as well as their own world a better place. However, regardless of web users’ efforts, there have been numerous problems raised by big tech corporations that neglect social responsibility. The ‘WEB’ was intended as a public space, and it should have been the most free place; however, the fundamental “freedom of expression,” which may be the main philosophy of the web, has been violated.

Government agencies and large corporations have suppressed individuals’ freedom of expression and used users’ personal data to satisfy their own self-interest. People were slowly losing their faith in online community service and also a place to freely express themselves.

To solve this dilemma, Mirror-Cat came up with a communication tool that would help ALL PEOPLE around the globe to communicate with themselves on the WEB in the most efficient method. Mirror-Cat decided to build the mirrorboard service, which resembles the environment of the mirror-verse where Mirror-Cat came from. Mirror-Cat believed that with the birth of mirrorboard, web users around the globe would be able to communicate more efficiently and vastly with one another.

People will still fight and argue with one another, but Mirror-Cat always and forever believes that prolonged and continuous communication and connection with great efficiency through the means of the web would ultimately help people understand each other more, and trigger themselves to spread ever resonating love in the universe.

Mirror-Cat’s 42,000 years of hope will be fulfilled with the solution provided by the mirrorboard service.

